Telepathic Communication
SS, p.63
initiate psychic communication

Having mastered both Mind Reading and Thought Projection, the telepath can now initiate two-way telepathic communication with another person. The contact must be within line of sight unless the psychic has a Telepathic Rapport with the other party. This power fails automatically if the other party does not wish to communicate. The psychic cannot perceive any thoughts other than those a subject wishes to send, unless the psychic also uses Mind Reading, even if the other party is willing. Each use of the Merit lasts no longer than one scene, even if both sides remain within sight of each other.

Cost: 1 Willpower to allow communication for the rest of the scene
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy
Action: Instant

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure:
The character triggers psychic feedback in the subject, making her instinctively withdraw or distrust him. Also, the character might transmit his thoughts to a different party than he intends, or even send thoughts that he did not intend.

The character fails to initiate communication, but can try again.

The character successfully initiates psychic communication with his target. He can freely send thoughts to the other party, and he can freely hear whatever thought messages the other party wishes to send back.

Exceptional Success:
The character gains a +2 bonus on any subsequent use of a telepathic Merit in regard to the other party for the remainder of the scene.

Dice Modifier Psychic Connection
The target of the telepathic communication is within line of sight. No connection is necessary.
-1 Intimate. The target is a longtime friend or close family member.
-3 Known. The target is a friend or co-worker about whom a great deal is known.
-5 Acquainted. The telepath has met the target several times. This is the weakest level of connection that allows long-range telepathic communication.