Thought Projection
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SS, p.60
transmit thoughts to a target

The telepath can move beyond simple mind reading to actually projecting his thoughts into the mind of another. A telepath cannot usually transmit thoughts beyond his line of sight.

With the four-dot version, however, he can communicate with individuals outside his line of sight at a penalty determined by his degree of psychic connection to a target.

Even with the three-dot version, a telepath can communicate with someone in a distant location if he is able to perceive the subject through clairvoyance.

If the psychic also wishes to read the thoughts of the person to whom he sends, he must also activate his Mind Reading Merit, which normally requires the expenditure of a second Willpower point in a subsequent turn.

Cost: 1 Willpower to allow thought transmission to a single subject for the rest of the scene. If thoughts are to be sent to someone else in that time, the first connection must be broken. The new connection costs another Willpower point. If the fi rst connection is to be re-established, yet another Willpower must be spent.
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy [versus Resolve + Supernatural Advantage if the subject is unwilling (resistance is reflexive)]
Action: Instant if the subject is willing; resisted is he’s unwilling

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure:
The character triggers psychic feedback in the subject, making her instinctively withdraw or distrust him. Also, the character might transmit his thoughts to a different party than he intended, or even send thoughts that he did not intend to send.

The character fails to transmit his thoughts, but can try again.

The character successfully transmits his thoughts to his target. He can continue to send thoughts for the rest of the scene.

Exceptional Success:
The character gains a +2 bonus on any subsequent use of a telepathic Merit against the other party for the remainder of the scene.

Dice Modifier Psychic Connection
The target of the telepathic communication is within line of sight. No connection is necessary.
-1 Intimate. The target is a longtime friend or close family member.
-3 Known. The target is a friend or co-worker about whom a great deal is known.
-5 Acquainted. The telepath has met the target several times. This is the weakest level of connection that allows long-range telepathic communication.