
A mage’s Path colors the aura of his magic. Every time he casts vulgar magic, his nimbus blooms forth, creating subtle effects unique to his Path. This nimbus and its effects are visible to only those beings endowed with some means of perceiving magic, such as Mage Sight. Sleepers go oblivious.

Whenever your character casts vulgar magic, describe how his nimbus appears, based on the suggestions presented with each Path’s description. You should add individual touches to your character’s personal nimbus, so that his uniqueness can be seen in his magic. If the Storyteller feels you are not providing the right sort of dramatic feel for the moment, he can suggest a nimbus for your character.

Uncloaking the Nimbus

A mage can intentionally reveal his nimbus to others, even those without Mage Sight. If a reflexive Composure + Occult roll succeeds, his nimbus becomes visible in a subtle way for that turn. This roll can accompany an instant Social action, such as an Intimidation or Expression roll. At the Storyteller’s discretion, successes on the uncloaking roll might add dice to the accompanying instant action, or even an action that takes place in the following turn. The mage can uncloak his nimbus this way only once per scene. Successive attempts can be made, but they cost one Mana each, whether or not the roll succeeds, and they suffer the usual penalties for successive attempts (see p. 132 in the World of Darkness Rulebook).

An uncloaked nimbus is not as strong as the nimbus that accompanies spellcasting. It is subtle, less obviously magical. It might be a matter of shadows appearing for one moment where there should be none (but they lasted long enough to boost an Intimidation Skill roll made for the mage). The sun might seem to come out from behind the clouds for a moment and bathe the mage in a radiant glow (boosting his player’s Persuasion or Socialize roll). Faint, distant animal howls or human screams might be heard, seeming to come from the direction of the mage, but they last only a second or two (onlookers are rattled enough that the mage boosts his Intimidation Skill roll).
