Luck Magic
NH-WD, p.54
You can bless yourself.

By spending 10 minutes ritualizing, the character can grant himself excellent luck at a specific activity. With a 30-minute ritual, he can grant that luck to another or grant himself superlative luck.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult
Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character loses the benefit of the 10-Again rule for the specified action.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: When using the 10-minute ritual, the character gains the 9-Again rule for a number of rolls of a specific type (driving rolls, firearms rolls, etc.) chosen at the moment of casting equal to his Manipulation. Alternatively, he can spend 30 minutes ritualizing and grant himself 8-Again or another character 9-Again for 3 rolls of a specific type. These “lucky” rolls must be used within 24 hours.
Exceptional Success: As success, save the affected dice pools also gain a bonus die.
Suggested Modifiers
+1 Character possesses a piece of hair or clothing or a sample of blood from someone who excels at the type of action designated.
+1 Character possesses a picture or video of the target performing the chosen activity particularly well.
