
Livres — Monde des Ténèbres

The World of Darkness

Where the Shadows Grow Long

We live our days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around us. Only rarely do our experiences draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in our midst. These glimpses into the supernatural can cause us to retreat into comforting lies - 'There are no such things as monsters' - or stir our morbid curiosity. Only a few, however, can overcome their fear and dare to look deeper.

Abandon Hope All Who Enter

The World of Darkness Rulebook introduces a version of our contemporary world where the supernatural is real. Players join to tell tales of mystery and horror, where theme, mood and plot are more important to a character’s experiences than his weapons or equipment. Inside are rules for character creation, task resolution, combat and any activity your character attempts as he delves into the shadows.


oct. 2004

Deep in the Shadows

The night is not alone. Even those few who see into the shadows of the World of Darkness are surprised and horrified at what lurks there. Not every corpse that walks is a vampire. Not every mortal who chants in reverence to a greater power is a mage. Some of these beings are creatures born of fear and hunger… and some defy definition altogether.

Monsters Know Fear

World of Darkness: Antagonists provides systems and information on beings for use as foes and foils for your Storytelling characters. Zombies, monster-hunters, cultists and stranger things await. Some want only to exist, to feed in their own ways and be left alone. Others exist only to stalk and kill the unsuspecting. Do you stand against them, or do you have something more… devious in mind?


janv. 2006

Nothing out there is friendly.
I mean it.
It's the golden rule, my man, the golden rule.
"Thou shalt SHOOT the CRAZIES in the HEART BEFORE they come bite the heart out of YOU."
It's hard times, man.
Hard times.
Better be prepared.
Hafta be
Now gimme that duct tape and those tinsnips."

- Larry Crenshaw, monster-hunter

This book includes:

  • A broad and detailed listing of every weapon, vehicle or piece of equipment a character might need in the World of Darkness
  • Optional rules and new Merits that reflect combat styles suitable for the weapons contained within
  • A hardware companion to Vampire, Werewolf and Mage chronicles

Armory Reloaded

Lock And Load

Sometimes it’s about tactics. Sometimes it’s about personal skill. Sometimes it’s about teamwork. And sometimes it’s just about having a big enough gun to kill every last enemy in the room with a few squeezes of the trigger. There are a lot of options for mayhem. Why choose just one?

A Character Book for World of Darkness

  • An array of artifact weapons, both blessed and cursed, where each can be used as the focus of an entire story. These weapons are both blessed and cursed
  • A new look at Fighting Styles in the World of Darkness: Old styles are reexamined, and several new styles are introduced, each with new rules, histories, and characters to go along with them.
  • Rules for future weapons, the high-tech, bleeding-edge armament that characters might bring to bear against the horrors of the World of Darkness.
  • A whole chapter devoted to hacking apart the combat mechanics of the Storytelling System and rebuilding them so they suit the needs of your game. Gritty combat? Blood-soaked cinematics? Monster-specific rules tweaks? All that, and more.


You people! You people! Listen to me! I know all about this — I know what is going on here. You aren't healers — you're jailors! They're all terrified of us, so they let you treat us any way you like! But I know what goes on in here, what goes on behind those doors, when the secretaries and the orderlies go home! You think we're the monsters, because we don't think like you do? You haven't seen monsters, until you’ve been in HERE. WITH US!— Red Samuel, Bishopsgate inmate

This book includes:

  • A look at insanity and its use as a Storytelling tool for horror games — including comprehensive rules for gaining and curing derangements, as well as systems for the treatment of madness.
  • A history of institutions and asylums, as well as useful advice for players and Storytellers in using these locations either as backgrounds or as the setting for an entire chronicle.
  • Bishopsgate, a fully detailed insane asylum ready to be place anywhere in your World of Darkness chronicle.

Book of Spirits

A World of Infinite Shadows

The world has a Shadow, an invisible reflection where archetypes are made solid. Too often, the spirits of the Shadow slip unseen through the cracks in the wall between worlds, manipulating or possessing luckless humans to alien ends. Are you willing to look into the broken mirror and see what awaits?

A Setting Book for The World of Darkness

  • A comprehensive look at the spirit reflection of the World of Darkness, designed for mortal and supernatural chronicles alike
  • Extended rules on the interplay between the flesh and the spirit, providing ways to use spirits and the spirit-touched in any chronicle
  • A variety of mortal perspectives, as well as an extensive selection of antagonists that come from the other side
  • New spirits, Ridden, rules and setting lore for Vampire, Werewolf, Mage and more

Changing Breeds

Changing Breeds
déc. 2007

Nature is FED UP with us.
In fact, she’d like to have a chat With you.
So lay right there
And let’s begin.
I’ll do the talking
And you do the SCREAMING.
This book is for
The Beast inside
Each one of us.

This book includes:

  • A thrilling and revealing run through the hidden world of shapechanging werebeasts.
  • Complete rules and insightful advice for creating shapechanging characters of any breed, suitable for Storytellers and players alike.
  • Dozens of playable shapechanger breeds, such as the catlike Bastet, the cunning feathered Corvians and the mysterious Oceanborn.
  • A look at Man’s world through feral eyes.


*Chicago isn't corrupt.
It's passionate.
Willing to do whatever it takes
to be the city it wants to be.

And corrupt.*

- Maxwell, Vampire Prince of Chicago

The Windy City Beckons

Chicago lies at the center of the web that is the American heartland. Tendrils of power, wealth, and reward stretch outward, ensnaring the selfish, greedy, and unwary. Yet, Chicago attracts its predators, too. Creatures that would have the city for their own, spinning their own webs of malice and intrigue. But among the city's towering skyscrapers and wind-swept streets, who is the spider and who is the fly?

A city setting book for all World of Darkness Games

This book includes:

  • Guides to the history, geography and politics of the Windy City, twisted to suit the mysterious World of Darkness
  • A huge collection of new game material, including dozens of complex and surprising characters, new threats to face and three complete stories to play
  • Numerous ways for characters from any World of Darkness game to interact and collide. This book is a fully compatible supplement for Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken and Mage: The Awakening
  • Companion fiction title (World of Darkness: Chicago - Three Shades of Night) releases in January

Dark Eras

Dark Eras
mai 2016

The Darkness Is Always With Us

We have shared the world with monsters for millennia.In the time of Alexander the God-King, mages fought their secret wars. In Elizabeth’s London, vampires built their own empire brick by bloody brick. Before the founding of America, hunters fought enemies within and without. And in the Cold War, as the clock ticked towards Armageddon, we could have been damned by fallen angels.

Secrets Revealed

Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras reveals the world throughout its long and storied past. Through sixteen eras, you’ll learn the secret history of the world, from the flame-lit tales of the Neolithic to the drug-fueled rebellion of the 1970s. Delve into the past, and learn that the Chronicles of Darkness began long before the modern nights.

Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven

Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven
janv. 2017

Cattle die, kinsmen die, you yourself die. I know one thing which never dies:

the judgment of a dead man’s life.

--Havamal, Stanza 77

The Viking expansion across Europe comes at a pivotal time in history, as new faiths rose to challenge the old and new ways threatened to sweep ancient tradition aside. The Forsaken sail with raiders and explorers, seeking new lands to claim and new spirits to conquer, while Sin-Eaters walk the battlefields bringing the honored dead to their final rewards. The world grows larger and more dangerous by the day, but there are great rewards for those brave enough to fight for them.

Dark Eras: Three Kingdoms of Darkness

Dark Eras: Three Kingdoms of Darkness
juin 2017

Dark Eras: Three Kingdoms of Darkness (Changeling: the Lost, Geist: the Sin-Eaters)

The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.

—Luo Guanzhong, Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Famine weakens the empire, and war splits it apart. It is an age of ambition and strife, where the hungry dead walk the earth in great numbers, and the Lost must rely on their own kingdoms. Warlords and commoners, ghost-speakers and orphans -- who truly serves the Mandate of Heaven?

Dogs of War

Dogs of War
juin 2008

War Is Hell

The service trains you to be strong. It teaches you teamwork, how to rely on others and how to rely on yourself. Which is a damn good thing. You need every edge you can get. You’ll see for yourself when you discover what else is out there in the night…

A Chronicle Book for The World of Darkness. This book includes:

  • An overview of military life and guidelines for military characters in the World of Darkness.
  • Guidelines for unconventional units and those units touched by the supernatural, such as Company Zero.
  • Storytelling advice for stories and chronicles revolving around military conflict and the supernatural.
  • Variant rules, such as increasing lethality of firearms and governing mass combat.

Dudes of Legend: How To Be Fucking Awesome

Dudes of Legend: How To Be Fucking Awesome
avr. 2010

Dudes of Legend: How To Be Fucking Awesome

Strippers? Awesome. Lesbian strippers? Double-awesome. Lesbian strippers whipping off their trenchcoats only to reveal a katana tucked delicately in a garter or g-string? That is a face full of awesome. Your face will be dripping with awesome. The sauce of awesome will give you a nasal enema.

This book includes:

  • New rules for your World of Darkness games.
  • More awesome than you can possibly handle.
  • Also, it's pretty dirty.

Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories
nov. 2004

Death Is Not the End

“I see you. You go about your life like nothing ever happened. You think you’re safe now that it’s done, like a problem that you’ve solved once and for all. You’re wrong. I remember what you did. You might have killed me, but I’m not gone. I stayed behind… and I won’t go until you’ve paid.”

A New World of Darkness Begins

Ghost Stories is the first supplement dedicated specifically to mortal characters in the World of Darkness. Glimpse the secrets of the supernatural in five different adventures that lead players and characters into the deepest shadows and unknown places of the brand-new setting. This is your chance to explore the hidden world all over again, using the new Storytelling System.

Glimpses of the Unknown

Glimpses of the Unknown
juil. 2011

he world is a dark and dangerous place.

It is filled with enigmas that do not fit neatly into boxes built by scientists or occultists. That doesn't stop us from trying to find an explanation for everything. It is human nature to compartmentalize, to label and identify the things that frighten them - a thing named is a thing neutered. But some things refuse to be categorized neatly. Some mysteries evade explanation. Some monsters reject the classifications we attempt to brand them with. These are the seeds of fear and wonder, the exceptions whose only proven rule is that there are no rules that cannot be broken. These are the unexpected plots, the stories which pull player and character alike into situations where their wits, skills and strengths will be challenged.

These are glimpses into the true potential of the World of Darkness.

This book includes:

  • Story seeds and plotline ideas for every World of Darkness line (including Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Promethean, Changeling, Hunter, and Geist).
  • New rules, Merits, powers, and setting material.
  • Additional story ideas for the custom Worlds of Darkness presented in Innocents and Mirrors.


mai 2009

Eternal Life

What would you do to live forever? Would you bathe in the blood of innocents? Would you steal the body of a younger man or woman? Could you drive the impurities from your soul? And is eternal life worth the cost?

A Character Book for World of Darkness

  • A detailed examination of three types of immortal: the murderous blood bathers, the horrifying body thieves, and the exotic purified.
  • Detailed rules so that players can create any of the above types of immortal beings.
  • Numerous immortal antagonists and allies suitable for use in almost any chronicle.
  • A selection of others rare and unique immortals that Storytellers can use for both mortal and supernatural chronicles.


janv. 2009

The Legions of Hell

It starts with the buzzing of flies. The smell of rotting meat. Then the whispers begin. They’re out there, waiting for a moment of weakness so they can slip through, hungry for the vices that feed them. You can even let them in — though be careful of the cost.

A Character Book for World of Darkness

  • A resource for portraying demons in the World of Darkness, from spirits of evil to the Hierarchies of Hell.
  • Information on summoning and pacting with demons.
  • A system for representing those who have been possessed by the infernal.
  • Sample demons and possessed to plague a chronicle, demonic artifacts and more.


avr. 2008

The World of Darkness Through Innocent Eyes

Monsters don't just lurk in remote forests, nightclubs, slums and the rooftops of the city. They're in your neighborhood, watching you as you walk to school. They're waiting for you in the woods behind your house as you and your friends build your fort. They're under your bed.

Adults have learned to live in the World of Darkness by ignoring the supernatural, by pretending it isn't there and going about the lives they have made for themselves. You don't have that luxury. You see the world through a child's eyes, and that means you haven't learned to look away.

Be careful. Innocence is fragile.

World of Darkness: Innocents includes:

  • Complete rules for the game play in the World of Darkness -- no other rulebook needed
  • A modified Storytelling system for playing children aged 7 to 12, advice for running chronicles with child characters in mind and for appropriately portraying these characters
  • New monsters, spirits, ghosts and advice on integrating the core World of Darkness games with Innocents

Midnight Roads

Midnight Roads
févr. 2008

The roads are lovely, dark and deep…

There are things in the world that no laws account for – things that bestow blessings no man remembers or curses for slights long past. But the things, they do not forget. They wait for the right hand to fall upon them, the right eyes to see their glory, the right heart to recognize their power.

Midnight Roads includes:

  • A host of story hooks, sample locations and supporting characters suitable for chronicles on the go
  • New systems for car repair, hotwiring and vehicle modifications
  • Contains new Merits related to stunt driving and survival on the road in the World of Darkness


juil. 2010

What would I be, if God wanted me to be something different? I would be whatever God saw fit to make me.

I would be a crow picking at the bones of the dead. I would be a worm nestled in the heart of my enemies.

I would be a faceless angel. I would be a rabid wolf. I would be a broken mirror.

But make no mistake, my children.

Whatever God sees fit for me, one thing will never change. I will always be a monster.

- Solomon Birch

This book includes:

  • An unholy host of alternate systems for you to option into your characters and games, including (but not limited to!) Morality, Virtue/Vice, Merits, character creation.
  • Brand new systems for you to incorporate: social and mental combat, miniatures combat, relationships and Rapport, Conviction, Insanity, and don't forget to check out the Extraordinary Mortals template (with built-in Skill Tricks).
  • Three new "what-if setting hacks" for the World of Darkness. The World of Darkness Revealed, wherein the monsters stand exposed for all humanity to see; The World of Darkness Destroyed, which gives you the option of playing out the global apocalypse; and The World of Dark Fantasy, a fantastical spin on the system and setting.
  • A handful of essays from the writers and developer of the book, bringing you their own personal "house rules" and hacks for you to consider.

Mirrors: Bleeding Edge

Mirrors: Bleeding Edge
janv. 2011

Cyberpunk destroyed science fiction.

Science fiction was about man's potential. Science fiction was about how man could reach out and touch the stars. We could be better. We could be worse. All we needed was the technology.

Cyberpunk was not that. Cyberpunk said man would be the same damn bastard he always was, he'd have the same problems he always did, and worst of all? He'd still be happy with it. In those days, cyberpunk was arcologies and AIs. Built-in shades and monomolecular razor-wire.

Seems a little silly now, right? The technology didn't turn out that way. But the world did. Technology is pervasive and invasive and amazing and all it has done is made us more who we were before.

Sound like the World of Darkness? It should.

This book includes:

  • Themes and props for two styles of cyberpunk game: Tomorrow Country and Metalground;

  • Origin, Role and Plugin Merits to add mechanical elements to your character's background, occupation, and technological implants;;

  • A new kind of Morality: Alienation

Mirrors: Infinite Macabre

Mirrors: Infinite Macabre
janv. 2011

Beyond the ring lurks a moon whose very shape-whose very essence-is formed of squirming thorns, tangled hedgerows, and alien trees.

Inside a defunct planetary outpost, a throng of self-made monsters fuses cable and hull scrap to one another's reanimated flesh, each powered by elements never seen by man.

Layered beneath this plane of existence is another: a place of dead stars and skull-ships, a wretched Otherspace, a haunted Underworld.

This is the Infinite Macabre.

This book includes:

  • Suggestions and rules shifts on how to incorporate the World of Darkness into a space opera game
  • Rules for starships and starship combat
  • Guidance on making your own alien species

Mysterious Places

Mysterious Places
juin 2005

Realms Foul and Forgotten

Down neglected roads or beyond hidden doors lie places in the World of Darkness that are best left unknown. These mysterious locales, tainted sites and corrupt settings all bear the mark of some unmentionable crime or horrific transgression. Ordinary people go ignorant to the existence of these places, all the better to preserve their mortal, fragile minds. The wary, brave or foolish glimpse the truth and can't turn away, and challenge their very fate by setting foot on unhallowed ground.

Best Left Alone

World of Darkness: Mysterious Places presents nine eldritch and bizarre settings for your Storytelling System chronicle. While designed for exploration by mortal characters straight out of the World of Darkness Rulebook, these places can also be discovered by vampires, werewolves or mages. The question isn't who finds them, but whether they can get out again.

Proverbial Monsters

Proverbial Monsters
oct. 2009

Sometimes there's truth in proverbs.
Proverbs and superstitions have been around since man could speak. But some of these sayings carry a very real warning within them. Some of them remember the monsters that lurk just beyond mortal sight. Proverbial Monsters plays upon the fears and superstitions of everyday folk. At the core of every legend, every superstition and every proverb is a grain of truth that has been lost to time out of disbelief or misunderstanding. This book gives you an idea of where the proverbs might have come from, and how you can use them in your game.

A PDF-exclusive chronicle book for the World of Darkness.

• Nine monsters to use in your World of Darkness chronicle.
• Story ideas and Storytelling Adventure System scenes to use with each monster.
• Suggestions for integration with many other World of Darkness games.


août 2007

Is the Power worth the price?

There are things in the world that no laws account for – things that bestow blessings no man remembers or curses for slights long past. But the things, they do not forget. They wait for the right hand to fall upon them, the right eyes to see their glory, the right heart to recognize their power.

A gameplay expansion book for the World of Darkness™

  • A detailed exploration of the relics — unique magical items usable in any World of Darkness chronicle — and how to incorporate them into your game.
  • Includes ready-to-use relics, from the perplexing to the uber-powerful, ready to be included in any World of Darkness chronicle. Each comes complete with detailed background and storytelling hints.
  • Offers several variations of toolkit for creating customized relics and cursed items that can be used by any World of Darkness character.
  • Details dozens of new Powers for modifying the ready-to-use relics or building your own.
  • Contains new Merits related to researching, creating or using relics in the World of Darkness.

Second Sight

Second Sight
avr. 2006

“Ordinary people don’t know it, but the world is shrouded in lies. Immerse yourself in them, and you discover that there are lies within lies.
There are things in our world, monsters hiding among us, lurking in the shadows, preying upon us.
But there also beings who are us and who are not us, people born or “blessed” to move objects with their minds, to read our innermost thoughts, to combine innocuous items to bring about results nothing short of miraculous.
Are these people our friends for looking like us, for being like us?
Are they our most dread threat, for looking like us, for being like us?
While some things are monsters without, others are monsters within.”

— Further excerpt from the notes of the unpublished “Sasquatch,” by deceased author David Hicks

Mysterious Powers Made Manifest

Not every entity with supernatural powers is one of a species of creatures that prowl the night. Solitary psychics, crazed sorcerers and doomsaying cultists all share the World of Darkness. This book explores their unique abilities.

A character and setting book for all World of Darkness® Games

This book includes:

  • New character types for your Storytelling game: mortal psychics and mystics
  • Storytelling ideas for introducing cosmic forces and otherworldly beings to your games
  • A companion to Vampire, Werewolf and Mage, or an opportunity to play a completely new and unique chronicle set in the World of Darkness

Shadows of Iceland

Shadows of Iceland
avr. 2008

Bax Masterson, our (now revealed to be fictional) Assistant Developer, went on a rampage in 2008 about a product of his that never got to see the light of day -- World of Darkness: Shadows of Iceland.

Shadows of Mexico

Blood, Drugs and Conquest in the New World

They say the blood sacrifices never stopped. They say pyramids underneath Mexico City house vampire cults. They say werewolves prowl the border with the U.S. They say mage society self-destructed there, and now foreign treasure-hunting wizards are plundering the country’s artifacts. They say a lot of things. Find out the truth for yourself.

A setting book for all World of Darkness Games

  • A complete guide to Mexico in the World of Darkness, from ancient myths of blood sacrifice to modern legends of UFO visitation
  • Everything a player needs to make uniquely Mexican characters, including clan variations for Vampire, new Merits and distinctive local broods to join
  • Everything a Storyteller needs to set chronicles in or around Mexico, from story seeds and monstrous antagonists to vampire Princes and werewolf packs to battle and defy
  • Use this book to explore our dark vision of Mexico or follow the guidelines inside to bring your own frightening version of the land to life
  • Usable with any World of Darkness game, including Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, and Mage: The Awakening

Shadows of the UK

Shadows of the UK
juin 2006

hey hunted the moors and forests in the days before Caesar came, and they prowl the towns and cities even now.

For millennia, supernatural creatures have walked these islands.

From the Scottish Highlands to the London streets, danger waits for the unwary.

This book includes:

  • A look at the United Kingdom of the World of Darkness, from the bloody secrets of its long-ago history to the most current threats lurking in London's shadows
  • An elaborate treatment of the UK's werewolves, from new lodges, rituals and traditions to the strange entities that they hunt and that hunt them in turn
  • Information on the concerns and key figures of Britain's vampire and mage population


juil. 2006

"Ahahaha! You, too? I knew I wasn’t alone!
Oh, look at you — you’re magnificent.
Where did you get those wolf pelts?
Mine isn’t nearly as pretty, and I couldn’t find a wolf, but look! Let me show you!"

— Fred Gahagan, Skinthief

This book includes:

  • A detailed look at the skinthieves who achieve animal transformation on their own, including rules for player creation
  • The traditions and powers of those skinchangers born from spirit possession
  • A selection of unique skinchangers and strange origins, as well as collected animal lore to help Storytellers customize their own shifters

Tales from the 13th Precinct

Tales from the 13th Precinct
juil. 2006

The weirdness and long shadows of the World of Darkness don't go unnoticed.

For every vampire attack, werewolf rampage, sorcerous outburst, or other strange event, someone at the police station is going to get a call about it. Here, then, is how the law deals with the mysterious and supernatural, from investigation through prosecution.

Usable with any World of Darkness game, this setting book includes a complete plug-and-play police department, and can serve as a primer on how the American legal system works in addition to functioning as a setting itself.

Urban Legends

Urban Legends
avr. 2007

Whispers carry the stories through the generations. So unreal that people no longer believe. "Legend." They do not realize that legends can be more real than real.

Truths From the Tales

We’ve all heard the stories. Alligators live in the sewers. Kidney thieves prowl the cities. Chant “Bloody Mary,” and she appears. These are urban legends. In the World of Darkness, they are real; in fact, they are more than real. The truth behind each legend is more terrifying, strange, sinister, or diabolical than we imagine.

A settings book for The World of Darkness

This book includes:

  • Inspiration for a game intended for mortal characters, but a game just as frightening and bizarre for monstrous characters.
  • In the World of Darkness, the truth behind urban legends is even more frightening, sinister, mysterious than you would imagine.... Explore them at your gaming table
  • A great prequel or addition to Vampire, Werewolf and Mage chronicles

128 pages, for use with the World of Darkness Rulebook.