Lifting/Moving Objects

Dice Pool: Strength + Stamina

Action: Instant

Lifting and moving objects involves brute force; might over matter. In some cases, however, Stamina plays a part. Power alone doesn’t have immediate effects, but power combined with the endurance to apply it does.

All people can accomplish feats of strength in momentary efforts, depending on their muscle mass. Working together, people can combine their might to accomplish tasks. Add all participants’ Strength scores and refer to the chart below to gauge what can be moved just by spending an action (no Strength roll is necessary). To exceed this limit, a Strength + Stamina roll is required, with successes achieved added to your character’s Strength score to determine what kind of task he can accomplish in that action. In a group effort to move something really heavy, a Strength + Stamina roll is made for each supporting participant. Successes rolled are added to a primary actor’s roll as bonus dice. (See “Teamwork,” p. 134, for full rules on cooperating this way.)

If your character’s modified Strength total exceeds that required to lift an object, it can be relocated as desired. If his Strength total matches that required to lift an object, it can be moved about a yard.

Strength Feat Lift
1 Lift a chair 40 lbs.
2 Lift a large dog 100 lbs.
3 Lift a public mailbox 250 lbs.
4 Lift a wooden crate 400 lbs.
5 Lift a coffin 650 lbs.
6 Lift a refrigerator 800 lbs.
7 Overturn a small car 900 lbs.
8 Lift a motorcycle 1000 lbs.
9 Overturn a mid-sized car 1200 lbs.
10 Lift a large tree trunk 1500 lbs.
11 Overturn a full-sized car 2000 lbs.
12 Lift a wrecking ball 3000 lbs.
13 Overturn a station wagon 4000 lbs.
14 Overturn a van 5000 lbs.
15 Overturn a truck 6000 lbs.

The chart indicates how much a character can lift, but that amount represents a focused, one-time act. That weight isn’t what he can walk around holding and wearing, day to day. Your character can realistically carry/tote 25 pounds per dot of Strength without penalty. If he attempts to carry more, every action involving physical exertion incurs an automatic -1 penalty for every 25 pounds of excess gear that he has. Furthermore, every 25 pounds he piles on beyond what he can carry reduces his Speed by one. Perhaps he can actually lift everything he’s wearing and holding, but he can’t go anywhere with it. The Storyteller makes the final call on what your character may realistically carry.

Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The item is dropped and/or a level of bashing damage is incurred.
Failure: Nothing is added to Strength.
Success: One or more is added to Strength.
Exceptional Success: Five or more is added to Strength and the character looks really impressive while performing his mighty feat.

Suggested Equipment: Convenient handholds +1, lifting belt (+1)

Possible Penalties: Slippery conditions (-1), lack of handholds (-1), “It’s been a long day” (-1)

The World of Darkness, page 48