Your pyrokinetic is highly resistant if not completely immune to fire.
With the two-dot version, make a reflexive Stamina + Resolve roll when your character is exposed to mundane fire, with each success providing one point of armor that protects against only fire damage.
With the four-dot version, you need only spend one Willpower point to render your character totally immune to fire damage. If any Doubting Thomas is present when the four-dot version of this Trait is invoked, a successful Stamina + Resolve roll subject to normal penalties is required for unilateral protection to activate.
The effects of either version last for one scene, although clothes and possessions are not protected. No protection is provided against supernaturally induced fires or flames.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Stamina + Resolve for the two-dot version. None for the four-dot version, unless a Doubting Thomas is present.
Action: Reflexive
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure:
The psychic is not protected from the flames, and fire damage is increased by one.
The psychic is not protected from the flames, but she can try again in the next turn as a subsequent attempt.
Each success provides one dot of armor with the two-dot version. With the four-dot version, total immunity is conferred despite the presence of a Doubting Thomas.
Exceptional Success:
With the two-dot version, additional successes are their own reward. With the four-dot version, any Doubting Thomases present are treated as ordinary people for the duration of the scene and do not inflict any further dice penalties on the psychic during that time.