
Books — Vampire the Requiem

Vampire: The Requiem

Welcome to the Danse Macabre

Since time immemorial, the Kindred — vampires — have stalked their prey, unseen by the mortal masses. Their world is a xenophobic nightmare, populated by tyrannical despots, wildeyed heretics, bloodthirsty rogues and scheming manipulators, all unified by the mysterious curse of vampirism. And you would join them? You would live forever? To play the lusts of mortals like a violinist plays the strings? Then beware, the price is steep to enter the neofeudal hell that the Damned have wrought.

Welcome to Undeath

Join the revival of the Storytelling tradition. Vampire: The Requiem invites you to tell your own stories set within the world of the Kindred. This book includes rules for using vampires in World of Darkness chronicles, covering everything from the five clans to covenants to Disciplines, bloodlines, storytelling advice and a complete spread of game systems governing the undead. Hardcover. Requires the World of Darkness rulebook for play.

Ancient Bloodlines

Remnants of Ages Past

The Blood isn’t stagnant. It changes with the times, even if the Kindred that carry it don’t. Every epoch leads to new permutations of the five clans. Some of them die out when they are no longer useful, but others carry on, even to the modern nights. Some have been forgotten. Some are ready to reclaim what they have lost. All retain pieces of the cultures and events that created them.

Weapons for the Present

• Twenty new bloodlines, based on the historical flashpoints presented in Ancient Mysteries

• New Disciplines, Devotions, factions, antagonists, mysterious places and a variety of other options of Vampire chronicles

• Two new forms of blood magic — Haitian Kindred Vodoun and Sumerian Mérges Sorcery

Ancient Mysteries

Flashpoints in the Fog

In a society made up of liars and murderers afflicted by a slowly eroding grasp of their own existences to date, who can trust the concept of history? Understand, then, that there is a scale upon which all Kindred are precariously balanced. As personal power weighs more heavily, the ability to rely on that monster’s memory of the past is lightened. How do the Kindred navigate this Mystery of Ages?

The Mystery of Ages

• Explore the flashpoints in history that have shaped Kindred society – for better or for worse. Discover the mysteries of elder Kindred and how they navigate the Fog of Ages and their own thickening Blood.

• Players will find a selection of rules for playing characters from non-modern times as well as truly hoary ancients among the undead, with powers and Merits to match.

• Storytellers are given useful advice for how elders navigate the Fog of Ages, and how to use elder characters, historical periods and the lassitude of age among the undead for the best effect in her games.

Belial's Brood

Belial's Brood
Jan 2007

Vampire Vandals and Violence

From its roots in antiquity to its brutal modern blood-baths, Belial’s Brood have been the rampaging barbarians at the gates of vampire society. For the first time, venture inside the vicious culture of Belial’s Brood and find out what it is they’re after that’s worth their very souls.

An antagonists book for Vampire: The Requiem

  • Go inside an immoral, self-destructive society of ferocious, back-biting, bloodsucking barbarians who worship a demon and celebrate sin
  • Discover a unique bloodline, a new ghoul family and a wicked mystic tradition of blood magic handed down from Hell
  • Explode Belial’s Brood into a fully realized force in your Vampire chronicles or plunge your players into the roles of these brutal monsters with story seeds, complete new characters and a rich history to draw from

Blood Sorcery: Sacraments and Blasphemies

Blood Sorcery: Sacraments and Blasphemies
Sep 2012

God doesn't love me. But He's given me these teeth to spill your blood and these words to speak over your remains.
And when I do that, He's going to make my dreams come true.
God is good.
-- Sister Snow, upstart Bishop of New Orleans

Being a vampire is inherently trading humanity for power, but most Kindred don't do it on purpose. Blood sorcery is about wrapping your arms around blood sacrifice or inhuman philosophy and holding it close against your silent heart. As presented in Vampire: The Requiem, sorcery is a series of rituals passed down from hierophant to acolyte, pastor to parishioner. The blood caked on these rituals is dark and dried, and they are ancient and horrible indeed.

That's what this book is: a gory and grand new exploration of blood sorcery from the powers of the great covenants to the dirty secrets of the street to the figures that lurk in the shadowed history of the Kindred.

This book includes:

• A flexible new system for blood sorcery, allowing you to build and enact your own rituals
• Threnodies, sacrificial charms that build on Disciplines and add a little mojo to any character
• A legion of occult antagonists, from the heartless Sons of Phobos to the enigmatic Empty Liars

Bloodlines: the Chosen

”They say we are inbred and perverse. They say we are amoral, evil. They are not wrong. But we are chosen.” – Benedetto, Sangiovanni Prodigy

These vampires shouldn’t exist. Arrogant, violent, and proud, their notorious bloodlines discolor the weave of Kindred society. They are feared and reviled, cursed and low – and almost every single one of them identifies as an extraordinary agent of vampire destiny. For better or worse, they may be right.

A character sourcebook for Vampire: The Requiem

  • Ten new, dangerous bloodlines for your chronicle
  • Unique, mysterious and frightening Disciplines, Devotions and rituals
  • Storyteller’s resource with optional mechanics and sample chronicles for bloodline stories

Bloodlines: the Hidden

"In the dark corners we dwell, still-born Kindred for whom your clans have no meaning. Our blood is your blood, yet different. It has been willed, strained and afflicted until it has taken a different course in our veins. We are your worst nightmare, childer who defy your designs to forge our own veiled destinies. Placate us, serve us and we might give you a taste of our secrets."

Horrors of the Modern Night

Bloodlines: The Hidden is the first in a new Vampire series that focuses on the refinements and abuses of undead blood. Drawn from the shadows are 12 bloodlines from all five clans, lineages that diverge from the clans and that have dedicated the ages to keeping their existence secret, or to lurking on the edges of discovery, devising their own inscrutable machinations. And now you can play them.

Bloodlines: the Legendary

"One of you.
A score of me.
A score of us.
You will belong, blood and soul.
You will be mine and ours."

- Hannah Featheringay, Melissid Matriarch

These are the vampires other Kindred whisper about in the dark. These monstrous lineages, terrifying, taboo and bizarre, mystify even the Damned. Each is surrounded with a fog of rumor and myth that makes the truth of their power impossible to know for certain—until their fatal flesh is faced in person. This sequel to the highly successful Bloodlines: The Hidden features nine new bloodlines, each with unique supernatural Disciplines or blood magics, along with and intriguing history and collection of mysterious legends for each bloodline, so Storytellers can introduce them with an aura of fear.

This book includes:

  • Nine new, secretive vampire bloodlines for your chronicle
  • Unique, strange and elusive Disciplines, Devotions and rituals
  • New character types for players and Storytellers


Idealism and Blood

They are the young idealists and passionate revolutionaries of the Damned, rallying in the dark against the jagged, outdated social chains of Kindred society. When Carthians have their way, the Danse Macabre plays out on a level floor still sticky with blood. Come together and change the night!

A Covenant Guide for Vampire: The Requiem

  • Examines the truth behind Carthian philosophy and activism for both table-top and live-action games
  • Features new bloodlines, Merits and Disciplines for players exploring a Carthian Requiem
  • Shows Storytellers how to create unique Carthian states for their own chronicles
  • Reveals Carthian Law, the covenant’s power to suppress the Disciplines of other Kindred — a power never before seen in Vampire: The Requiem

Circle of the Crone

"We don't worship the same gods, you and I,
but we're more alike than you think.
Together, we are keeping something alive - something that has lived for thousands of years despite the wavering faith of mortal men.
The old gods are not dead. They live within us.
We give them life, warm blood, and they keep us from death.
That's our covenant, our promise. Everything else is fashion."

- Gwenyth the Grey, Acolyte Princess-in-Exile

This book includes:

  • A look at the religion and culture of the Circle of the Crone - the vampire covenant made up of myriad pagan cults - and the Circle's worship of venerable creator goddesses
  • Details about the nature of an Acolyte's Requiem, including guides to mythic roles, spirit contact and holy nights - useful whehter you play a member of the Circle or have dealings with priests of the covenant
  • The secret powers of the pagan Damned, with new bloodlines and factions drawn from as far away as Ireland and Japan, new mystic Disciplines and more than 25 new blood sorcery rituals

City of the Damned: New Orleans

City of the Damned: New Orleans
May 2005

The Sultry Night Beckons

New Orleans lives on borrowed time. Steeped in the customs and traditions of the Old World and ruled with an iron fist by a pious Prince, the Kindred of the city keep the sanctity of the Traditions at court and sate their desires amid the neon glare of Bourbon Street. From the stately manors of the Garden District to the seedy lanes of the French Quarter, New Orleans seethes with pent-up desire and whispered promises of power, revolution and revenge.

Join the Danse Macabre

City of the Damned: New Orleans presents the Big Easy in all its baroque glory, detailing the city's history, the laws and customs of its aristocratic court, and the intrigues of the vampires both prominent and petty. A wealth of characters, plot hooks and Storytelling tips make this an invaluable resource for any Vampire: The Requiem chronicle.


Oct 2004

Strange Bedfellows

The Kindred are solitary predators, yet something within compels them to seek out others of their kind. Whether formed as a social faction, a cult of heretics, a consortium of conspirators or as an exercise in safety in numbers, a coterie of Kindred is no strange thing to see after sunset. How, then, do its members reconcile their bestial urges with the demands of nightly unlife?

Trust Doesn't Come Easily

Coteries examines the "family unit" of Kindred society. Broken down by sect and clan relations, this book sheds light on how groups of disparate vampires set aside their differences (or nurse grudges) to protect themselves against the hostile world in which they exist. Sometimes, only your fellow Kindred can protect you from the darkness, but trusting them to do so is a dangerous proposition in itself.

Daeva: Kiss of the Succubus

Death has never looked so good

Love them or hate them, the Daeva are the ones you die for. Tempters and priests, madonnas and horrors, these vampires feed on the blood and vices of the World of Darkness — and feed well. From the best parties to the worst parts of town, be seduced by the beautiful among the Damned. For the Succubi, a good-looking corpse is only the first step in the Danse Macabre.

A Clan book for Vampire: The Requiem™

• Trace the history of the Daeva — from their first chilling nights in Sumeria to the sticky heat of modern cities.
• Tune into the Cacaphony, the underground journalism of the Kindred. Find out what it takes to stay on the cutting edge of the Masquerade... and why that edge is cutting deeper than ever.
• Experience the Daeva through the "writing" of the living and the dead from around the world. Players and readers are drawn into a World of Darkness that's more frightening every night.
• New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers, and clan secrets that every Vampire: The Requiem player will want to have.

Damnation City

Damnation City
Aug 2007

Look, it's simple:

See that fat lick over there?
With the backpack?
When he steps onto the black asphalt of the parking lot, he's mine. Until then, he's in the fields, where any vampire can take him. I am the lord of this ground, and the penalty for poaching from me is you must drink from me. When you drink the kine that walk on my ground you drink from me.

— Sycorax, Lady of the Blacktop

The City-creation sourcebook for Vampire: The Requiem

The Prince is the master of the city, but he has named you lord of your territory. It's up to you and your cohorts to maintain the Masquerade, influence mortal lives and pass judgment on the Kindred who dwell in your shadow. Are you a tyrant or a saint? Will you pull the Prince's strings or become the Prince yourself?

This book includes:

  • Guides to selecting or designing a modern city that's right for your chronicle, and giving that city the World of Darkness's gritty supernatural atmosphere.
  • Tools and tricks for running dramatic and suspenseful stories in a crowded and shadowy city, including such new systems as "City of Millions" and "Attitude and Ambience."
  • New styles of gameplay for Vampire: The Requiem, called Barony and Primacy, that take advantage of more than 50 urban Districts and unique Sites.
  • A guide to the fictional city of Newcastle—a new World of Darkness environment ready for you to customize and activate in play.

Gangrel: Savage and Macabre

Back to Nature

At the edges of civilization, they prowl. Their Beasts rise close to the surface, sniffing for sustenance. Loners and pack animals alike, the Gangrel are the untamed Savages among the Kindred. Though they are primal blood-drinkers and howlers at the moon, their animalistic allure is not to be denied. From the urban jungle to the wild places unwalked by other vampires, the Gangrel are there. Prepare yourself — it’s time to run with the pack.

• Discover the origins of the Gangrel, in the days before Rome, in the deep wildernesses of the steppes and great forests.
• Delve into the secrets of the Red Surrender, the Gangrel technique for riding the razor’s edge between true Frenzy and iron-clad self control.
• Be immersed in the lore and tales of the Gangrel from contributors both mortal and immortal from around the globe. Discover what else the World of Darkness holds, wicked and growling, in its nights.
• New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers and clan secrets that every Vampire: the Requiem player will want to have.

A Clan book for Vampire: The Requiem


Thralls of the Damned

Slaves to the addictive taste of vampiric Vitae, ghouls trade servitude for that heady substance. Servitude, however, damns them far more than they know, as their unnatural craving drives them to ever greater desperation and depravity. Among those known as blood slaves, there's no such thing as "just one fix."

Bound to the Night

Ghouls examines the life and lot of those who serve vampiric masters. From in-depth rules on being a ghoul, to ghoul families and systems for creating them, to Vitae-fed plants known as mandragora, this book fully explores the effects of the Blood on mortal lives.


An Invincible Legacy

Patterning itself after the glory of Rome's Kindred society and the ages of kings that followed, the Invictus stands as a model covenant, one immune to the passage of time. But how well do ancient ways mesh with the Damned of the modern world? On whose backs is the Ivory Tower's foundation built?

A Covenant Guide for Vampire: The Requiem

  • Details the history, hierarchy, and goals of the Invictus (one of Vampire's core factions), and serves as an invaluable guide to the world of the Kindred from the covenant's unique viewpoint.
  • Features new bloodlines and powers unique to the Invictus, making the book a sure draw to the players.
  • Provides settings, antagonists, and story seeds for Storytellers.
  • Invaluable for running political and intrigue chronicles, as the Invictus is the covenant of Princes and power-schemers.

Invite Only

Invite Only
Jul 2010

Singular vampires are so many terrible things.

Why should it be any different when many vampires get together? It isn't. In fact, it's exponentially worse. Kindred are designed to be solitary predators.

Why they gather in such large groups is a complicated issue. Are they lonely? Do they need to keep enemies within arms' reach? Do they need to understand the other creatures that inhabit their homes? Do they believe in safety in numbers?

This book specifically addresses how to build an interaction. It's how to host a party, how to make a location and how to make a social structure.

A chronicle book for Vampire: The Requiem.

• A handful of fully fleshed social hotspots you can plug into or adapt your chronicle.
• Play variants and tweaks, Merits, Devotions and other character items built around Kindred social gatherings.
• A handful of plug-and-play scenes in the SAS format.
• Options for a social combat system.

Lancea Sanctum

I am God's holy monster, the drinker of mankind. For so long, I could not see the role I would play, because I looked for it with human, mortal eyes. So I put forth the truth in these pages, for you who seek as I have sought. I am not some godless beast who stalks beneath the dark grandeur of sanctity. I am the grandeur. I am sanctified.

- The Testament of Longinus

Lancea Sanctum includes:

  • An in-depth look at the history, philosophy and modern operations of the Lancea Sanctum, the holiest order of the Damned
  • Explorations of Sanctified Requiems and the roles pious predators and monstrous paladins play in the Danse Macabre and the World of Darkness
  • Guidelines and inspiration for Kindred of every clan, including new bloodlines, new Disciplines and horrific new miracles of Theban Sorcery

Mekhet: Shadows in the Dark

The Mekhet Clan Book for Vampire: The Requiem

Unnoticed and silent, they watch. Their eyes have seen a thousand secrets, and yours are no exception. They are the Shadows that dwell among the Kindred, and everyone knows that the darkness has eyes in the Danse Macabre. Seek their wisdom under cover of night, and discover what awaits the wise and the patient.

A Clan book for Vampire: The Requiem

• Discover the origins of the Mekhet, in the deep nights of ancient Egypt, where they fled the sun into the necropolis and learned the secrets of the dead.
• Explore the Shadow Cults of the Mekhet, secret societies and mystery traditions where the Mekhet are masters over mortals and other vampires alike.
• Read the tales of the Shadows, as written by those within the clan…and by those outside it. The shadows of the World of Darkness have never run this deep.
• New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers and clan secrets that every Vampire: the Requiem player will want to have.


I don't know if I believe.
But I know I'm scared.
That makes it real enough.

- Dutch, A Herald of Portland

The Legends of the Damned

Where do vampires come from? What creatures of myth do they fear? What legends do they tell about the Blood? Find out. Hear tales of the monsters that hunt the Kindred. Read the legends of the Roman vampires who founded the clans. Learn about the disease that’s destroying the Damned. Some of it may even be true.

A mythic history book for Vampire: The Requiem™

  • A compendium of legends and rumors for Vampire players and Storytellers alike — find out what your character has heard about the Requiem from others of his kind.
  • Offers multiple possible origin myths for the Kindred, passed down over millennia or discovered in ancient vampire sites throughout the globe.
  • A wicked selection of chilling new monsters, allies, artifacts and mystic rituals ripe for use in any World of Darkness story.

New Wave Requiem

New Wave Requiem
Feb 2009

Do you remember the 80s? Not that bubble-gum garbage you see on those so-called “music networks,” but the real 80s? World War III was always on the horizon while sex, drugs and money flowed like a river of blood right to us. Vampires were everywhere. The Masquerade was at its thinnest point, but we didn’t care because the world was ours. We kept playing our games, doing our dance, but everyone was afraid that one AIDS-ridden blood doll with a grudge or one neonate with a personal computer and a private investor would decide someday to pull the trigger and make the world burn.

Those were good times.

— Robyn Sloane, Circle of the Crone

This full-color PDF includes:

  • A brief historical look at America in the 1980s, from a Kindred perspective.
  • Player and Storyteller advice on chronicles set in this time period.
  • A Storytelling Adventure System story set in 1983 Chicago, complete with a pre-generated coterie.
  • A customized blank character sheet, and a black and white version of the full PDF for ease of printing.

Night Horrors: Immortal Sinners

Sins of the Ages

So many people wish for fame and renown during their lives — or even for just a little bit of notoriety. But among our Kindred, that’s very nearly a fate worse than death. Don’t take my word for it, though. Go and ask some questions. Find out about who they talk to in the Necropoli of the Nosferatu, and in the perfumed salons of Elysium. Listen to what they say about them, and listen even more carefully to what they don’t say. Then maybe you’ll understand that the worst thing you can do is to stand out in a society of blood-starved murderers, my boy.

The Hungry and the Wicked

  • Explore the exemplars of Kindred society, celebrities and leaders among the undead, and the monsters that haunt its fringes.
  • Includes a selection of truly ancient vampires, creatures driven by the madness of eternity and the hunger of ages.
  • Players will find a selection of new bloodlines, Merits, Devotions and other useful details for their own characters, as well as potential sires, allies and enemies — and the things Kindred say about them.
  • Storytellers are presented with a complete selection of characters to populate their chronicles with, complete with story hooks and rumors about them.

Night Horrors: Wicked Dead

The question you have to ask yourself is, if you're a walking dead man, why are you so blinkered? Do you think you're the only impossible thing out there?

- Frances Black

This book includes:

  • Secrets of the other vampires of the World of Darkness, from the vile Formosae, who feed on beauty, through to the bizarre and appalling Cymothoa Sanguinaria, nature's greatest horror.
  • Beings that exist as direct consequences of the Kindred's parasitic existence, including the Draugr, vampires without Humanity and Dampyrs, children who should not be.
  • The return of the Strix, vengeful spirits that plagued the Kindred back in the days of ancient Rome.
  • New options, allowing players to take on the role of strange, exotic vampiric creatures.


Something Wicked This Way Comes…

Vampires are loath to risk their unlives by relocating to new cities. Blood is in scarce supply, werewolves haunt the wilds, and newcomers may break rules upon arrival that they never knew existed. Still, some vampires put the entire Requiem on the line for a taste of the freedom that the road offers - while others do it to escape their past.

So Let's Get the Hell Out of Here

A guide to survival outside protected cities, Nomads offers vampires a chance to leave their old domains behind and begin a new Requiem, or to simply go abroad and return home to the evils they know all too well. Begin a new chronicle or take an old one on the road, abandoning characters' greatest achievements and most deadly failures.

Nosferatu: The Beast That Haunts the Blood

“Watch your step. It’s a long way down. No, don’t worry, there aren’t any rats. Just you and me. You, and me, and everything you’re afraid of. Welcome to your new home.”
— Fabian, Inquisitor to the Archbishop of St. Paul

This book includes:

• Uncover the filth-ridden origins of the Nosferatu in ancient Greece, where they haunted the Mediterranean nights as the godplagued nosophoros.
• Explore the Necropoli of the Nosferatu, the warrens where the horrors dwell.
• Discover the many faces of the clan: the bizarre, the vile, the battle-hardened and the hidden.
• New Merits, bloodlines, Devotions and clan secrets that every Vampire: the
player will want to have.

Ordo Dracul

Beyond Undeath

Visionaries among the Damned, members of the Ordo Dracul seek to transcend the curse of vampirism. Devoting themselves to hoary experiments and the philosophies of their leader, Dracula, the Dragons of this covenant seek to discover what lies beyond the Requiem.

A Covenant Guide for Vampire: The Requiem™

  • Details the history, hierarchy and goals of the Ordo Dracul (one of Vampire's core factions), and serves as an invaluable guide to the world of the Kindred from the covenant's unique viewpoint
  • The Ordo Dracul - the covenant founded by Dracula himself - has proven to be the most popular faction in Vampire: The Requiem
  • Features new bloodlines and Disciplines unique to the Ordo Dracul, including a new Coil of the Dragon (the covenant's unique power), making it a sure draw to players
  • Provides settings, antagonists and story seeds for Storytellers

Requiem Chroniclers Guide

Requiem Chroniclers Guide
Feb 2006

"My story is the same as every vampire's: blood, pain and the dance. Only thing that makes me special is the way I tell it."
-- Rembrandt, The Vampire of Druid Hill

This book includes:

  • Guidelines for new and old Storytellers alike, making it easy and exciting to create your own unique Vampire chronicles
  • New ways to play Vampire, including new game mechanics and optional rules to redefine your Storytelling experience
  • A dozen ready-to-use chronicle seeds with stories and antagonists for Storytellers to customize for their own use

Requiem Chronicler's Guide is a 192 page supplement for Vampire: The Requiem.

Requiem for Rome

Requiem for Rome
Nov 2007

Glory Reigns Above

The living world is civilized by the vision and the power of Rome. But not all that walks is living, and not all that falls will die.

We Do Not Live.

We are but shadows and worms, consigned to the earth and shamed by our incompletion.

But We Are Creatures of Rome

And that which is not conquered by the children of Romulus shall submit to his brother's get.

In the name of the Republic.
In the name of the Camarilla.

--S. Julius Macellarius Corbulo

This book includes:

  • Everything you need to play Vampire: The Requiem from the earliest nights of Rome to the ruination of Kindred society, including new blood magic and a new clan!
  • A grotesque and beautiful new vision of Ancient Rome through the eyes of vampires - full of bloody passion, mystical intrigue, and glorious battle.
  • The secrets of the ancient undead, revealed at last! Learn the truth about the Camarilla, claim rule over the vampire city called Necropolis, and confront the wicked and terrifying monsters that prey on the undead - the Strix!

Requiem for Rome: Fall of the Camarilla

Requiem for Rome: Fall of the Camarilla
Jan 2008

We have been lying for decades.
The terrible truth is that the Gods have fallen silent.
Only thieves and liars speak for them now.
The prophecies you hear are nothing but a desperate attempt to rally our forces.
How can they succeed?
You see that chaos rules Necropolis now.
You know the Camarilla is doomed.

--Kemnebi, Vaticinator of the Cult of the Augurs

This book includes:

  • An epic, companion Chronicle to Requiem for Rome, that’s detailing the end of the last great unified society of vampires. A comprehensive resource for Storytellers to run the chronicle from the very first sign of trouble to the calamitous finale a hundred years later!
  • Rules to allow players to play the chronicle from multiple perspectives as heroes of the doomed Camarilla or instigators of the final collapse. Detailed scenes allow them to take advantage of political opportunity to seize power and steer history, indulge in decadent escape unparalleled in modern nights, or bathe in the blood of their hated enemies.
  • New information about the true origins of three of the modern covenants are included in scenes allowing players to witness the spectacle of ancient betrayal and inspiration. Includes new rules for arena competition, blood magic rituals, and a resource for running Chronicles set in Byzantium, the first true seat of Sanctified power.

Rites of the Dragon

Rites of the Dragon
Nov 2004

"I shall sleep but not rest."

Slain by his enemies and cursed by God, Vlad Dracula arose from the battlefield as a ravening beast, hungry for the blood of men. For centuries the son of the Dragon has haunted the earth, driven by an implacable will to unravel the mysteries of the Embrace and to master them. The Requiem is no mournful elegy to one such as the Impaler. It is the riddle of the ages, and at its heart may lie the key to life itself.

"I gird myself for battle, not of the body, but the mind."

Rites of the Dragon is the testament of Dracula himself, written in his own words. Within you learn the story of his transformation and quest to unlock the secrets of his undead existence.

Strange, Dead Love

Strange, Dead Love
Dec 2011

"No God commands me, yet I answer to a higher law than yours. My heart does not beat, yet it still feels. Only her word rules me, and only her smile warms my blood."
- J. Carlton, Nosferatu Harpy of Baltimore

This book includes:

  • A guide to the themes and props of paranormal romance, custom-fitted for Vampire: The Requiem.
  • A collection of world shards, ready-made chronicles with their own plot hooks and rules.
  • Advice for storytelling romance, including guidance on games for two.

The Blood

The Player's Guide to the Requiem for Vampire: The Requiem

The Prince is the master of the city, but he has named you lord of your territory. It's up to you and your cohorts to maintain the Masquerade, influence mortal lives and pass judgment on the Kindred who dwell in your shadow. Are you a tyrant or a saint? Will you pull the Prince's strings or become the Prince yourself?

A Player's Guide for Vampire: The Requiem

  • The definitive handbook for Vampire players, containing unique new insights into the Requiem. Read what it feels like to use a vampire's supernatural powers and learn how the Kindred think the Blood works.
  • A whole-new look at all the core mechanisms of the game, from Predator's Taint to the Embrace. Discover updated rulings on how these powers work and how to put them to work in your own chronicles. It's like a core content update to the Vampire operating system.
  • New essays and examinations on how to create characters for Vampire: The Requiem — and how to use dramatic storytelling techniques to bring them to life at the game table.

The Danse Macabre

The Danse Macabre
Mar 2011

Sun's rising. So what?

This party's still going. I still have blood to drink. I still have one more song in me.

Across the city, some of us are crawling back to our hovels, our mansions, our coffins. But some of us aren't. Some of us are still hunting for something. Down in the closed-off subway tunnels. Up in the mightiest penthouses. Here in the warehouse district. There at the docks, under the docks, around the docks. Always hunting, forever hungry.

A lot of us, we don't pale when the sun comes up. We know we're bad folks. We know that if we get caught out there and those white teeth bite off a bit of our long shadows, well, then maybe we deserved it. We deserved it because we're stupid and we're selfish and maybe the combination of those two things means we're evil incarnate, I dunno. If it happens, it happens.

Me, I'm going to give the finger to Sol Invictus, the Ol' Sun, Big Bright Happy Face.

You hear that, sun? We don't give up the night that easy.

-Some F **king Vampire

This book is:

  • A look at how to play Vampire: The Requiem at three different tiers of play: coterie, city and conspiracy
  • Classic covenants made global, and a handful of entirely new covenants, including the Brides of Dracula, or the Children of the Thorns.
  • A bloodbath of new rules: social combat, mental combat, gargoyles, Banes, new Humanity rules, and more.
  • Ready-made chronicles, allowing you to kick down the walls and play way outside the box. Want a noir game? Vampires in the mode of Romeo and Juliet? A post-apocalyptic end-ofdays scenario? We have you covered.

Vampire Translation Guide

Vampire Translation Guide
Nov 2010

Have you always wanted to include the Ravnos into your Requiem game? Or perhaps the Invictus into your Masquerade game? This guide will help you translate the feel and core elements from each version of Vampire into the other game system and background.

This book includes:
• Translations of all of the clans between versions of Vampire
• Suggestions and ideas on how to use certain rules and setting elements in each version of the game
• Key Disciplines converted for use into the opposite game system

Ventrue: Lords Over the Damned

They Win. They Always Win.

The Ventrue — ancient kings and cutting-edge moguls — have a simple reputation. They win. They always win. They are known as Lords, and across all the World of Darkness, wherever you find vampires, you’ll find Ventrue behind them, pulling the strings.

Ventrue: Lords over the Damned includes:

• Learn the true, secret history of the Ventrue — the clan that always wins.
• Be there for the return of the Malkavians: Vampires driven insane by a supernatural plague.
• See what the Ventrue look like first-hand, from accounts written by Kindred from across the globe. This is a rich, vivid, and frightening tour through the World of Darkness for players and readers alike.
• New Merits, bloodlines, Discipline powers, and clan secrets that every Vampire: The Requiem player will want to have.

Ventrue: Lords over the Damned is a clanbook for Vampire: The Requiem


Aug 2005

You don't believe me?
You think I am lying?
You think I would lie to my Prince about something like this?
Seven did this to your people liege.
Here, tonight, the truth was in this room.
It stood here and cut up your subjects - my sire! - to speak to us, and still you doubt it?
Seven is real.
This is the proof.
They're here and they're not finished with us yet.

- Virgil Saint George, Seneschal to Prince Lyons

This book includes:

  • Three different possible truths to the mystery of the vampires known as VII, allowing Storytellers to use VII in multiple chronicles without spoiling any surprises
  • Guidelines and advice for using the vampires of VII in any chronicle, whether as player-controlled protagonists or shadowy and horrific enemies.
  • New Disciplines, Merits, rituals and vampire lineages to add even more power and mystery to VII - or for Storytellers to use when creating their own versions of VII.